Why implementing this easy hack will save you 10 minutes a day

Save 10 minutes

How often do you schedule meetings?

If you are anything like me usually daily.

Whilst the process is straight forward have you ever sat down and crunched the numbers on how much time every year you waste when scheduling a meeting.

In this article you’ll learn the clever method of scheduling a meeting. Not only will this save you time – it will also make you look like the technology genius you really are

Okay let’s first do the math on how long it really takes to schedule a meeting. Before we start – the reason your still doing it this way is because it’s fairly painless but when you crunch the numbers of a year you’ll soon realise how much time your wasting.

The average meeting takes between 5-8 emails to schedule. First it takes time to write the initial email asking for the meeting or suggesting the meeting then a further email to accept/decline the offer.

After that another email to put out a time/date – then another – then another. Once you’ve agreed on a time/date -well that’s an email to.

To keep this simple lets say that email chain is around 10 minutes. If your scheduling 5 emails a week that’s almost 1 hour. Of the course of a 200 working day year you’ll be adding up to over 1 day (33 hours).

The process is painless but your time is more valuable!

The solution to this problem comes in the form of software. There’s a number of vendors now in the space that offer webapps and software services to automate the email booking process.

Whilst there’s a number to choose from in the list here’s an example of what the process now looks like:

The new process is fairly slick. All that you have to provide is your own private URL to the scheduling service. It will automatically read the contents of your calendar.

Now all your contact has to do is select a date and time. In the example above the system will automatically send you both the meeting invite with location auto populated.

The neat thing about these scheduling services is that you can specify things like when people can book meeting with you.

Maybe you prefer meetings in the morning – tell the scheduling assistant that meetings can only be booked from 9am-11am.

You can also create buffer zones between meetings so if you’ve got a number of meeting on in the day you can create a buffer so when booking a meeting they’ll never be scheduled back to back.

This is just one of many examples on how we can make your business more efficient using IT & technology. If you want to find out which scheduling assistant to use get in touch with us here